

Odin Lodge No. 503 

Odin Lodge 503 A.F.&A.M. was instituted 1866 under dispensation from the Grand Master. E. B. Wilcox was the first Worshipful Master, E. Sidwell, Senior Warden, and O. F. Ball, Junior Warden. The lodge was very active and enjoyed a large membership. A fire destroyed the building and records, however, the brothers rented a room in the Woodward Store building and stated anew. In 1941 the Eastern Star ladies served the banquet at which time fifty year jewels were presented to brothers W. H. Farthing and Charles E. Sloan. Lodge is held at the present time in the I.O.O.F. building now owned by the Odin Fire Department. Officers for 1960 are: B. H. Wooters, W.M.; George Schuler, S.W.; Clyde Modlin, J.W.; Wilson Smith, treasurer; Lewis S. Morgan, secretary; Charles Wesner, chaplain; John Taylor, S.D.; Dwaine Crane, J.D.; Jess Sinclair, S.S.; guy R. Morgan, J.S.; David Fivecoats, marshal; James Perryman, Tyler. The membership of the lodge is 130.