
Odin P.T.A./P.T.O.

By Melinda Preston

In 1938 parents and teachers of the Odin Community met to organize a P.T.A. in Odin. Since the P.T.A. was established it has made many contributions to the community. They sponsored the grade and high school basketball banquets and the band banquet. Every two years a school carnival is held and is the basic means of finance. They have bought instruments for the band, uniforms for the band and rhythm band, playground equipment, dishes, silverware, and tables of the cafeteria, utensils for home economics rooms, pianos, a movie projector and screen, mimeograph machines, and other things too numerous to mention. They sponsored a health program and milk program, helped support the youth center and Boy Scouts. In addition, they help support the Red Cross, the Cancer Fund, Tuberculosis and the Heart Fund. They also sponsor the Cub Scouts from year to year. The Christmas treats for the entire school and staff are purchased by the P.T.A.

In 1966 the organization’s name was amended to P.T.O.in order to keep the money in the school. Membership drives were then initiated, along with other fundraisers. To name all the different accomplishments the P.T.O. has made during these years is almost impossible. The little things that have been done for our community and school means as much to us as the big ones. The Odin P.T.O. will continue to support our school and the community throughout the years to come.